![]() I promised hunting stories for this blog and so far I have yet to post a story from my hunts. Maybe that is because elk season was last fall and we are now on count down mode for our next hunt with the hopes of brand new stories and adventures on the horizon. No excuses. We all begin making lists around this time of year for the items we need to bring hunting, purchase prior to hunting, or make for hunting camp. One of the best little inventions that is now on the top of the "bring hunting" list is the Poop Chair. Yes, the Poop Chair. It is simply a folding chair with a hole cut in the center and a toilet seat mounted on it. Fabulous! Although I will admit that since we purchased a camper, the girl's bathroom now takes the cake. However, the guys still prefer the poop chair - outside usually in the middle of the night. After a long day of hunting / hiking in the mountains, it is normal to arrive back at camp long after the sun has set. So, no one really notices when the poop chair is gone and someone has wandered off into the woods to be one with nature. Not entirely true for my man though. One night, after arriving back to camp the normal routine was taking place... removal of mud caked boots, starting the wood burning stove, hanging clothes on the line to be sprayed down with some type of scent removing spray, finding your favorite chair so that stories from the day could be retold. Then it happened, we all realized there was a glow coming from the middle of a small newly growing aspen grove. There he was. Poop chair unfolded. Lantern placed right next to him. It was as if a giant spot light was pointing right there for all the woodland creatures to see. I have never laughed so hard! As he was walking back to camp he heard the laughter and all he said was, "What?" Apparently he thought he was completely surrounded by that grove of aspen trees. So, if you find yourself making your own folding chair port-a-potty to take on your hunting trips, remember that a small light in the darkness will indeed shine through sparsely populated aspen groves. Choose your spot wisely. NOTE: Permission was granted to tell this story. So don't worry about me getting in trouble from the lantern wielding poop chair user.
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From the DrawWe are devoted to sharing our bowhunting stories. We have a passion for passing on our hunting heritage to our kids. From the draw in the mountains to the draw on paper, the moments live on. Categories
May 2019